40yo female, in the process of diagnosis, high cortisol confirmed by UFCC (4x) & saliv cort (2x) & serum, high ACTH, DHEA, & MSH; did not suppress on DST (0.5mg dose), suppressed on high dose (1.0mg), 7mm pit tumor by MRI. Waiting for decision point from endo, considering IPSS or transphenoid. Aware of BLA as an alternative but that seems to be roundly not recommended as first-line treatment from all the reading I’ve done.
Primary question is if anyone has experience with Dr. Daniel Kelly in Santa Monica? He works with my endo and was recommended. I am open to nationwide if necessary, but if he ranks at the top anyway then would go with him.
Is QOL typically worse after surgery? If so, what’s the point?
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