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Hi. I am looking for any advice I can get. I am 47 year old female. I have been very healthy my whole life. Until about 5 years ago. I tried to have a second child (first was conceived with no problems 6 years earlier) and could not get pregnant so started fertility treatments. Had fertility tests done, blood tests etc. and everything came back fine. Did multiple ivf etc but nothing worked. Had a bunch of natural pregnancies but all ended in miscarriages.
During this time I gained 40 lbs all in one year. I thought it was from the fertility medication or pregnancy weight gain. Could not lose the weight no matter how hard I tried. I have been thin my whole life until now.
Thought I had a sugar issue so begged my dr. to send me for sugar test for 2 years. He would not because he said I have a normal fasting sugar level. I finally went to see an endo on my own. She tested me and said I have full blown diabetes. Again still have a normal fasting blood sugar level. She mentioned cushiness at the time and sent me home with a 24 hour urine test. That came back normal. I take metformin for the diabetes and have lost a little weight but not in the mid section. My arms and legs are getting thinner only.
I went to a new endo recently and she send me home with a saliva test for 4 days. I am in the process of taking this now. She said a 24 hour urine test is not a good test, the saliva is better. I have a bunch of symptoms that won’t seem to go away but don’t know if they could be from diabetes. When I get up in the morning it is very hard to walk. My legs are so stiff and it is painful. I have a really bad pain on the top of my right foot at the base of my second toe. Sometimes the toe actually swells almost like a ring around the toe. I have the buffalo hump. My husband has actually been telling me I have one for a few years, we just thought it was because I gained weight. I also have a full feeling in my head on one side. Almost like there is fluid there. The ear on that side feels clogged all the time. I also get headaches and when I do it is always on that side, above the ear.
I know I should wait for the test but I am so freaked out, so scared it could be a tumor and also afraid if it is not cushiness we then have no answer. I am so sick of complaining and listening to my own story and I feel like a hypochondriac. I also feel like if I have lost some weight maybe it can be something else.
Is there something else that can cause the buffalo hump? I have no stretch marks at all and no redness in the face. My face is also much less round since I lost the weight. No acne, no extra hair growth. As a matter of fact I think I have lost some body hair. I noticed recently I no longer have hair on my arms.
Can someone please let me know what they think?
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